Monday, November 27, 2006

My dear friend


let me start by telling you how much I love you - you have touched my life in so many ways - you have been my friend, my confidant, my support, my family - you have been there for me every time I have needed you - we have laughed, we have cried, we have shared - but most of all we have loved - you are a great great soul and I am thankful and honored to know you and have you as my friend - you are a wonderful part of my life and for this I feel truly blessed

love, allison


Anonymous said...


I hope you feel the blanket of friendship and love that surrounds you as you read our notes.

You are truly an amazing person and I am glad to call you my friend.

Love always,


Unknown said...


You have been my inspiration for so many years and will always be my inspiration. You helped me understand how to accept people as they are and love them for who they were. I will always treasure the time we spent together and hope you know what a truly great person you are. I hope you will always know how loved you are.

Your loving friend,

Anonymous said...

5 words to sum up our relationship with you "Stan ... You Are The Man". Your warm smile and enthusiasm enrich the lives of all who are lucky to cross paths with you.

Sandy&Michael (Abbey)

Anonymous said...


As others have said you are truly a remarkable individual. I will never forget all you did for me back in 98/99 when I was so sick, to this day I am so thankful for that. We also shared rough times when we both had loved ones in the Life Care Center. From the Furry Scurry's we went to, to our treck up the hotel stairs with the dolphin in San Fran I have fond memories of the time we have spent together. You are much more than just a friend. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...


I have never met such a genuine, giving, and positive person as you. I hope you know how many people in Chicago feel the same way.


Unknown said...


I owe so much to you, you befriended me my first year at Live, when I knew no one. And we have been friends ever since. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. The times we spent together, the crazy things we did, will last forever in my memory. I wish you love and strength through this difficult time. You are a true inspiration.

Love, Judi

Anonymous said...

Stan: enthusiastic, caring, helpful, daring, innovative, creative, intelligent person with a huge heart.

-darl & heidi

Anonymous said... dear Santa,

From the first time I met you...I somehow pictured you as the Good Samaritan who would volunteer at the neighborhood mall to play the role of Santa Claus during the holidays. May be it was your "natural" and luscious white beard...may be it is just who you are! A joy to many in many indescribable ways!!! can I forget that day in 2001 in San Diego....As Rachel aptly put it "I was the Jack in the Box" and you were my calming and soothing agent. Your laughter is contagious!!!

No matter what should know that there are many people on this wonderful planet who love you. And always WILL!!! That fact will NEVER change.

Love, Peace and Harmony,


Unknown said...


I will always treasure our friendship.

Our breakfasts together were a time to catch up and to prepare for the coming day, and made it all enjoyable.

I want to acknowledge and thank you for being the kind and understanding man that you are - and so smart.

You really are an inspiration, in so many ways!

I love you, Stan.

Your friend,

Anonymous said...


It was a privelege to get a brief window of opportunity to work with you at Sun. I inherited a great database team from you that clearly flourished under your care and feeding

I cherish those times. Thanks for being you!

All my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

God Bless.


Jeff Sherard

Anonymous said...

I'm so grateful to have worked on your team back at ChannelPoint - you made a difference in my life then, and even though its been a while since we've worked together, you continue to make an impact on me. Your infinite energy in serving your team, RMOUG, family, and the community is a lesson for all of us. I always smile when I see a brightly colored hot-air ballon in the sky. And when I see the chase-trucks, I remember riding in that black crew-cab Ford of yours as the team went to lunch! This is not goodbye, Stan, for you will continue to impact this world long after both of us are gone from it! I strive every day to inspire those around me – through actions and (usually!) gentle words - something you had a hand in teaching me the importance of when I was fortunate enough to work with you.

Sincerely and Prayerfully,
Jon Nordby.

Anonymous said...

Dear Stan,
Thank you for all your support at IOUG and RMOUG gatherings. I was pretty nervous at my first appearance at IOUG but you were there to provide the needed support and guidance for the first time speakers. I can't forget that, ever! You are an amazing person and I feel fortunate to know you.


- Kirti

Anonymous said...


You have always been someone who when they walked into a room caused everyone to take notice. It was not just for that wonderful look, but for the energy and motivation that you brought with you. You are someone who has always inspired us to greater heights and to be better individuals. You will always be an inspiration to me.


Anonymous said...


I remember first meeting you in Anaheim in 2000. You've been incredible to work with -- from being a bouncer at crowded sessions room to offering a supportive word after a long day. Thank you for all you do!

Ellie (Cooper) Hurley

Unknown said...

Keep moving forward, step-by-step, and remember that all of us are with you every step of the way...

James L.

Anonymous said...

Your positive energy, kindness and thoughtfulness has always been an inspiration to me. Every single time I have seen you over the last 15 years, I have walked away with a spring in my step and feeling very good due to all of your positive energy. Every time I have seen you you have always made me laugh and have brought a smile to my face.
Your kindness and willingness to share of yourself was what got me more involved with the IOUG. You made it seem not like a big organization but instead a group of good friends. You have truly touched a lot of peoples lives and I thank you for touching mine.

You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

The George Trujillo Family

Anonymous said...

Stan -
I have enjoyed every meeting and conversation I have had with you, and always look forward to seeing you at the various Oracle conferences. Your genuine kindness, thoughtfulness, and sense of humor is like an aura around you. You have my love and good thoughts always.


Anonymous said...


Well, you've got me actually entering something in a blog. There's a first time for everything.

The power of the internet has spread the word. Mary forwarded around Texas and Bobbie Sue Lambert sends you hugs and prayers. Everybody at the IOUG is sending their prayers and thoughts.

As I read the other comments people have posted, I keep seeing this towering person speedily patrolling the conference halls, hair flowing, and a smile creeping through the beard. You are a great person, in stature, personality and spirit. I have learned much from you.

Your student,

Anonymous said...

Dear Stan,

Love and Friendship I’m sending your way,
To bathe you in golden light through the day.
Your friends are many, their thoughts times ten,
May you feel the whispers, as on the wind they are sent.

Smile, take it all in, what we are simply writing
Reflects back all you give us, be delighted!
Joy and Inspiration and Courage and Bliss
Feel these words of love, they are sent with a kiss!

Love ya Stan!

Anonymous said...

Stan -- it seems so long ago and so far away when we first met. Your humour, charm, creative energy and positive outlook are without bound. I am now in Bristol, England and every August they host an international balloon festival and as hundreds of balloons rise up and drift across the English countryside to the Bristol Channel, I think of you. While my time working with IOUG may have passed, my found memories of you have not. Lisa Elliott

Anonymous said...

Dear Stan,
Your kindness will never be forgotten. Cheryl and I will always remember the wonderful dinner that we had at Shula's with the rest of the RMOUGers. One of the reason's why I make RMOUG my top conference of the year is because of gracious folks like yourself. You have always been so kind and supportive of me. I will always treasure that!

One of the funniest moments I will always remember is you shaking your head and saying that "No, we can't record this, no we can't record this." Yes, you were listening to the tape of Mogen's talk at an IOUG conference.

We have all been the benefactors of your sage advice and genuine warmth.

Take care good friend!

Carol Dacko

Anonymous said...


You stand taller than most; you smile more easily than most; you give of yourself more generously than most. You have been a wellspring of volunteerism for the IOUG. You have been a mentor and an inspiration to many! You have made us a better organization through your myriad contributions to our conferences over the years. The Oracle community has been bountifully enriched by your active involvement in it!!

David Teplow

Daniel Fink said...


You have been a friend and colleague for many years. Your encouragement has made a huge difference in my life. Thank you.

I recall an event from my first trip to Nepal. I purchased some trinkets and the woman selling them insisted that I take an inscribed bracelet as well. It was when I attended my first RMOUG meeting after my return that I realized that the bracelet was not for me. The universe decided that it was yours and I was merely the carrier. It just seemed to fit so well with the other bracelets that were ever present on your wrist.

Your physical presence will be missed. But you will still be at every RMOUG meeting in the hearts and minds of all those you have touched.


Anonymous said...

Dear Stan,
What a wondeful smile you have always shared with others. I had so much fun sitting on the RMOUG board with you; sharing ideas, watching the user group grow, and eating lots of pizza at our board meetings. I remember how worried we were when we made the decision that Training Days must grow and move to the Dever Convention Center. Your optimish and vision helped lead the group forward.
God bless you and your family

Melinda Hackstaff

Unknown said...

Stan Yellott friend, confidant, protector, and teacher passed this morning 11/30/2006 at 5:30 am. He went quietly in his sleep, one minute he was breathing and the next he was not. Denise requested that I notify the IOUG community. I would say more, but I just don't have the strength through the tears.

I will be setting up the Stan Yellott scholarship fund with Bank of America; I will let everyone know the details.

Anonymous said...

Dear Stan,
Looking out the window, I see a tall, snow-laden spruce reflecting the bright early morning sun. Day-by-day, we make plans, while life happens around us. There are so many things we do not expect: The kindness and support of strangers, who become good friends; people who encourage and involve us in activities larger than the sum of the individuals. As I look back for the 15+ years I have known you, I am not sure what my first memory of you is. However, I distinctly remember you at the US West Training center; you in the corridors, helping usher people to the rooms with sessions. As a newbie, I remember a jolly man, significantly larger than me, with a long pony-tail and a big smile on his face. Your incredible commitment to RMOUG; your concern for the members; doing the right thing and leading it to move in the right direction was a labor of love. It was a pleasure to work with you on the board. You certainly touched a lot of people and have made a difference in their lives.
I send you warm (especially on this cold day!) wishes and thoughts, and hope they brighten your day!
Peace and Love,
Irene Ludwig

Anonymous said...


When I went and seen you yesterday,
it was very humbling to go see a wonderful person that always gave of himself to others for the last time. It has truly been inspiring to me to see all the love people have for you within the Oracle community.
As I told you, I wish you could see all the email and communication that has gone on back and forth between the IOUG board members as to the true sadness they are feeling and how important you were to each individual member.
I also told you that when someone as special as you leaves us, people want to naturally help try to fill the incredible void a special person leaves when they pass. People are not only feeling your loss but the loss of all you have done for others It is really wonderful to see all the people that want to help with all the work you did with students and the community. We can never replace all the great things you do but we will help carry on all the things you started.
I for one will help volunteer with any of the work you were doing with high school students in the area or in anyway I can.
I will always remember seeing Judi's medicine bag next to you, and the teddy bear with all the signatures of people around you. I am also thankful I was able to say goodbye and thank you for everything you have done for me.
My family will say a special prayer for you and your wonderful wife Denise and your family.

Take care good friend.

With great sadness, George T.

Kathy Robb said...


You are a shinning star! I will miss you so very much - words cannot express. Your kindness, generosity, and genuine joy for life is an example to all of us.

My heart and thoughts are with you and your family. May God ease their pain of your passing and renew their joy of your ever living memory.

Love to you and your family,

Kathy Robb

Unknown said...


You are very loved and will never be forgotten. Thank you for being such an inspiration and a friend to so many of us.

Love, Christa

Anonymous said...

To our Dearest Super FAM and Santa

You are truly an inspiration to all that walk along with you. You give all you are able and even more. You teach the many to learn from the few. You provide love, guidance, support and strength to those around you. You embrace life and those that surround you embrace you.

We've had some interesting times from IOUG's past to IOUG's present. From snowball fights outside the hotel in Denver in shorts to rollercoasters in Orlando. From your love of pets to your love for mankind, you shared your joy with all of us.

The word in Greek is Agapi, the most expressive kind of love. We give you agapi Stan as you did to us for so many wonderful years.

In Christ,

Stephen Karniotis

Anonymous said...

I have known Stan for five years now. Our relationship was centered around the RMOUG Training Days conference, so, on the surface, it seemed like a once-a-year relationship. But it was so much more than that.

I teach Oracle database design and programming at Pine Creek High School in Colorado Springs. After meeting Stan he took it on as his personal mission to make sure that my students attended Training Days. He knew how important industry support was for our program and for developing future DBA's. For four years he covered my students' conference fees and never asked for anything in return. His graciousness, generosity, and unselfishness was unequaled.

From the first moment I met Stan he made me feel welcomed and valued. He never made me feel like "just" a high school teacher. He discussed issues and explained concepts about the IT industry - and about databases in particular - at a level that was perfect for me. He seemed to know exactly the kinds of things that would be valuable to high school techies. He was approachable. He was a prince.

Stan Yellott made a difference in my life. He made my life better and richer as he did for so many other people. You mattered to me, Stan, and you won't be forgotten!

My thoughts and prayers are with Denise and the family.

- Denise Gardiner

Unknown said...

IOUG will be working with Stan's family to create the appropriate support system for his long time passion of supporting the local Colorado based high schools. When the mechanism is in place to facilitate donations we will post and email the information out.

Anonymous said...


I looked forward to the one or two times a year that the IOUG brought us together. You were a good friend and mentor as you passed the University Dean torch to me. You were usually the first and last committee member I saw at each conference.

Arlene and I had many great conversations with you about raising kids. You were a tender, serious and fun person to be around. You valued friends, the Oracle community and your family. As I looked through old pictures today, I came across a picture of you and your grand-daughter at the closing ceremonies in Orlando 2005. You couldn't have looked happier.

I have so many great memories and I am truly grateful for the time we spent together. Waiting for a plane in Anaheim was one of the first times we met face to face. Second City in Chicago after a long day of presenter selections and scheduling. Comedy Warehouse at Pleasure Island. And who could forget my frantic walkie talkie call for help in 2005 when an attendee barged past me into an over capacity session and then threatened me physically when I asked him to leave. Your quick arrival and imposing physical presence quickly changed his mind.

You will be sadly missed but the impact you had on many will go forward. May G-d bless you.

Mark Kerzner

Anonymous said...

Stan Yellott

Stan was always dedicated to educating all of us, not only in Oracle, not only how to teach Oracle, but how to behave & treat others in the precious time that we have here together. I remember him mostly as incredibly enthusiastic & unbelievably unselfish. I never heard him say an unkind word about anyone – EVER! I don’t know too many people like that – he is something to try to live up to and look up to. He was also, of course, the ultimate Mr. Cool!

- Rich Niemiec

Anonymous said...

Stan was a inspiration to me and a giving person in our society. His contributions in our society will be missed however heaven now has a wonderful addition to their ranks of Angels.

Anonymous said...

Stan -

You will be missed. Your kindness, enthusiasm for life have touched so many lives. I will not be able to attend the celebration of your life, so I would like to say to your family, my thoughts and prayers are with them in this time of need.

Andare con il Dio. Arrivederci mio l'amico!

Robin Reed

Anonymous said...


You will be missed more than anyone can realize. Knowing you for the better part of 16 years, we have shared many fun and exciting times together. We attended tons of RMOUG board meetings and conferences together. You saved me when my pager did not work when my first child was born during the 1993 RMOUG Training Days. We both volunteered on the IOUG BOD and had a blast at all the Oracle conferences - especially in Anaheim. You attended my Oracle presentations so that you could get some rest (remember - I had to wake you and Bill up during the middle of the presentation)! You were an awesome employee who took pride in helping the clients achieve their goals. Your ideas were always fresh and unique in both business and family life. Your altruistic nature was always held in the highest of regards.

RMOUG and IOUG will continue to hold conferences and meetings; however, they will not be the same without your presence.

Although, we have survived you in life, you will stay with us in spirit. You bestowed upon us a lifetime of knowledge that we might willingly give to others, as a tribute to all that you have given us.

Denise has been blessed to have such a caring and giving husband. Our prayers are with her and your family. Take care my friend ... you will be remembered forever.

- Michael Del Toro

Chrissy Carroll said...

A couple of years ago Stan was going to Disney with his family. He was so excited about the trip. I asked him to have someone take a picture of him with Winnie the Pooh. Sure enough he came back with a picture, and it is hanging in his work cube today. There was this big, burly man, a human teddy bear, standing next to the epitome of sweetness. That is how I'll remember Stan. My heart just breaks today writing this; I just adored Stan with all my heart and soul. He was so caring, and his friends and family were so important to him. My life will be forever changed having known this wonderful man. I can still hear his giggle in my head. You will be so dearly missed. I thank God I was given the chance to have you in my life. My thoughts and prayers are with Stan's family during this very difficult time.

Chrissy Carroll (Mincom/MMS co-worker)

Anonymous said...


Oh, how you will be missed! You’ve been such a wonderful part of my life and will always be My Big Buddy Stan.

When we brainstormed a name for our dinner group and someone suggested Mini-bytes, you replied, “Mini? I’ve never been a mini anything! I’m a Mega-byte!”. And so you were: Mega-byte, Mega-heart, Mega-Stan.

I heard the song “A Good Man” by Emmerson Drive on the radio yesterday morning and the words reminded me of you:

When I’m gone, I wanna leave a legacy
Of love and laughs and honesty behind me

I wanna be the one
When all is said and done
Who lived a good life, loved a good wife, and always helped someone in trouble
On the day they lay me down
Want everyone to gather ‘round
And say he was a father, brother, neighbor and a friend
He was a good man!

Stan, My Big Buddy, you were a good man!


Anonymous said...

I always enjoyed working with
Stan back in the Dark Ages of
the RMVLUG / DECUS (Vax Users Group). Stan made things happen with his "can do attitude". Stan was an asset to every orgainization he worked with.

Ray Obuch

Anonymous said...

It's a rare and wonderful privilege to have known such caring and truly unselfish soul. I will never forget Stan and I know his good nature will live on within a each of the lives he has touched.

Love and fond memories,


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your interest in and support of the Metro Computer Information Systems Department Advisory Board. You went through life respected, and now you will be missed by all of us.
Dick Socash on behalf of the Board

Anonymous said...

If my words did glow with the gold of sunshine
And my tunes were played on the harp unstrung,
Would you hear my voice come thru the music,
Would you hold it near as it were your own?
It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken,
Perhaps they're better left unsung.
I don't know, don't really care
Let there be songs to fill the air.
Ripple in still water,
When there is no pebble tossed,
Nor wind to blow.
Reach out your hand if your cup be empty,
If your cup is full may it be again,
Let it be known there is a fountain,
That was not made by the hands of men.
There is a road, no simple highway,
Between the dawn and the dark of night,
And if you go no one may follow,
That path is for your steps alone.
Ripple in still water,
When there is no pebble tossed,
Nor wind to blow.
You who choose to lead must follow,
But if you fall you fall alone,
If you should stand then who's to guide you?
If I knew the way I would take you home.

Stan you will be missed so much.. you will stay in our hearts forever!


Anonymous said...

“A Mile Above the Rest”. That’s where I met you, back in the days when we put together the Rocky Mtn VAX Local Users Group conferences. We’d meet every week at the School of Mines putting together a small miracle, and in our spare moments discuss LAT, sysgen parameters, and upgrading to VMS 6.0 I remember the conference where I stood there, shivering in my boots, before my very first presentation. There you were, right by my side, convincing me that I could conquer the world.

I’m going to miss that big bear hug that always made me feel the world was a safe, wonderful place. I love ya, Stan, and I’ll sure miss you.

Barb Baker

Anonymous said...


From the days we first met at Commnet 2000 through all the years since you have been a great friend, boss, and peer. I know through your services from DEC to RMOUG you touch more lives that anyone could ever know. You always placed your employees first and stood up for what was right even if was not what your bosses whated to hear. You are a hugh reason that RMOUG is what it is today and will be missed by all who have ever met you.

Your friend always...

Anonymous said...


I barely knew you, but could feel your presence in RMOUG. As is evidence by preceding posts, you are missed.

God Bless,

Barbara A. Lewis

Anonymous said...


You have made a difference in my life, from the first moment I met you, 3 years ago....

You will be greatly missed.

Debra Roberts (& Calvin)

Anonymous said...

I remember the first day Stan appeared at Mincom as a colleague. It didn't take long for him to become a friend. In the two years that we worked together, you taught me so much about Oracle, I'm the better DBA for it today.

But there were plenty of good times to be had in friendship, as well as the professional moments.

After I left Mincom and moved away to Salt Lake City, I always looked forward to being able to catch up with the you at Training Days or IOUG Live.

You were a giant, mate, and will be sorely missed.

Much love to Denice and your family.

Steve Wales

Anonymous said...


Something more I will always remember is your stories from your trips to Albq. NM with the Ballon Fest. There was always a warm glow in your face any time you talked about Hot Air Ballons. Thanks for everything!!!!!!!

-- Darren

Patty said...

Mr. Stan,

Our times together were not many but they were always genuine and true. I knew from those first conversation that you were a special and accepting of all, kind of person Thank you for sharing pieces of your genuine and kind self with me.

To Stan's Family,

My prayers to each of you. God knows he has a wonderful person right there next to him.



Anonymous said...

To Stan and Family ~

There is so much to say and although hindsight is 20/20, it’s better to say it now than not at all. Stan, I know that you will hear me when I say that I remember you as my friend and confidant, as well as one talented son of a gun who taught me everything I know about telephony in one hour, which ultimately sent me on a technical journey that I will not ever forget. As the result of your widespread talents, I was able to sustain a successful career at CommNet Cellular, later named Verizon Wireless. Everything I was able to accomplish during my tenure at CommNet Cellular is primarily attributed to your amazing talents. I remember your gentle soul, your “bear hugs”, the times you were Santa Clause at CommNet, your hot air balloon trips to Albuquerque and all the Albuquerque Balloon Fest T-shirts you added to my collection. I will always cherish them. I even remember one time I traveled to Albuquerque just to see you and your brother, launch your co-owned balloon in the Balloon Fest. I got to be a “chaser”. I have so many fond memories of you that I could write a book, but suffice it to say you are a good man, teacher, leader and father, and I’m proud to have called you my friend... Godspeed to you in heaven and Godspeed to your family on earth!

DOCHA (Donna Chatman)

Anonymous said...


I will always miss your smile, laughter and friendship. Hopefully you are in a better place without any pain and suffering.
You will be missed.


Anonymous said...


In our 4 years or so of working together you taught me more about Oracle/DBA stuff than any systems guy should know! I will always be thankful for that and the help it has been in my career. More than that however, I will always remember the lunches and the after work "sessions". You were my friend and mentor in many ways and I shall forever hold a special place in my memories for you. About now I envision you sitting down with Jerry Garcia and enjoying a little jam session. I will miss you my friend.


Anonymous said...

To Stan's Family,

It is with great sadness that I write this note. I was unaware of Stan's illness and I send my sympathy. I would love to have had the chance to tell him how much he meant to me.

He will always remain in my memories, the most kind, caring man. My career path over the last 18 years is due to Stan. The decisions made at Cellular Inc. in 1989 changed our lives forever. I thank him for being a visionary.

Thank you Stan for being a part of my life.



Shyam said...

Stan has been a great evangelist of the Oracle Users Group (IOUG) and has influenced many new comers in that role. His presence was felt at every Conference of the group.
Shyam Varan Nath

Unknown said...

Stan the Man,

What more can I clearly made a difference in the lives of so many people. How many of us can expect such incredible words and thoughts to be said about us? We all certainly hope for such fine words, but you demonstrated to us how this truly caring for others and giving so much of yourself to each of us. You gave us 110% of yourself. I met you back in 1994 - 12 years ago. I'll never forget your infectious smile, your laugh, your genuine care for others. Thank you!

I remember a time when you went silent from the Oracle community and we all missed you so much. Then you returned refreshed and full of new ideas and committment to the community. I'm certain that at each user group meeting I'm going to be looking for your smiling face, waiting for that next return. I'm certain that I'll be seeing you again!

You're clearly one of the world's finest and we'll miss you SO much. Your legacy will continue on for years and years to come. You will not be forgotten!

Thank you for making a difference in my life Stan. Thank you for making a difference in so many lives. It is incredibly inspirational to me.

I wrote you an email on the 22nd and it got bounced back to me...hopefully you'll get this was titled "We Love You Man..."

I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know how much we all appreciate everything you've done to change the Oracle world. Many thoughts and prayers are going out around the world for you. If there is ANYTHING that we can do, please let us know. We would love to return one of the 100s of favors we owe you Stan! I hope to see you soon!

Thank you! We love you Stan the Man!

Brad Brown

Anonymous said...


We will miss your friendship, inspiration and spirit. You have always been an inspiration to me and a true friend to the Oracle User Community. You always gave your heart and soul to the User community and everyone you touched and we thank you.

You will always be in heart, souls and memory. My prayers and thoughts go to you and your family.

God Bless,

Mike Gangler

Anonymous said...

I am greatly saddened to hear of Stan's passing and regret that with my recent move to Houston I was not around to say goodbye. Stan's contributions to all of us cannot be measured. His energy and attitude is something we should all strive for.

I will always be grateful to have known him and to have worked with him at RMOUG and IOUG. Having Stan with his beard and ponytail (longer than mine) helped many times to remind me that it is not how others see you but how you see yourself that is important. His mere presence often gave me strength. His memory will continue to do the same.

Farewell my friend. You will be missed. Say "hi" to Doug for me.

Kent G.

Anonymous said...


I was so sorry to hear about Stan. I am bereft because I didn't even know he was sick until last week.

I first met you and Stan when I came to work at Longmont Foods in 1985. I immediately was in awe of Stan because he was a "consultant," there to provide special computer expertise. I had never worked with a person in such a role before. Stan was very smart, always professional, always very helpful, but yet didn't take himself too seriously. We all worked together there for about four years and accomplished great things.

I was delighted, grateful and relieved when he asked me to come and work for him at Cellular, Inc. in 1989. Together we built an IT department from scratch. Stan was a great boss, helpful and supportive. To this day my time at Cellular was one of the most challenging and gratifying work experiences.

After I left Cellular I went into consulting on my own. Stan was my model. I made a very successful career for myself just by doing things the way he did them.

I also followed Stan's example by getting involved in computer user groups. I couldn't match his mastery though. Stan's warmth, intelligence and spirit of helpfulness made him beloved in the groups where he was a part. I wish I could be more like that.

I wish I had taken more initiative to keep in touch over the last few years. I only ever saw him at RMOUG meetings, maybe once a year. We kept saying we should do lunch. Somehow I expected him to call me. I should have called him. I should have called.

My condolences to you and your family.

Affectionate regards,

Richard Cross

Mike said...

I am not sure how many years I knew Stan, we first met at DECUS, I think the Atlanta conference. Anyway, Stan was always a great person and a wonderful influence. He will be greatlhy missed. Susan will miss his ready humor and hugs and I his friendship.

Mike and Susan Ault

Anonymous said...

Stan was a remarkable guy. Seeing his picture immediately brings back the memories of Stan, walking around at the RMOUG training days. Alas, I've never spoken to him the way many of you did, he certainly was a remarkable and true friend to many.

Loosing a friend and beloved one is hard, too hard.

Peggy, John, Tim, Dan, Bill, Rachel, Gaja, Kirti, Christa, family and other friends of Stan: my deepest condolences.


Anonymous said...

Oh Stan,

You were one of the first people who befriended me when I moved here so long ago. You were there as my "big brother" helping when my David died, and introduced me to Gary...
Camping, freezing, raining, "pit chicken," Computer Resources Alumni Picnics, so many times to remember.

Now all those the years have passed and the business of life just got in the way of what was important...making sure life included friends and family more often. We lost contact and were reunited almost too late, but I want you to know how much I loved you and honor your spirit and memory. In the words of Keali`i Reichel:

"Look inside my heart and you will find a secret place reserved for you and you alone.

Look inside my soul and you will feel my love washing in waves over every moment of our sharing

Look inside my thoughts and you will see silver stars dancing your name across the heavens

Look inside my life and you will know that love has etched your name on my very soul."

Jan Griffin said...

I don’t know where to begin, and perhaps that is why, I’m having trouble writing this...

First and foremost, I want you to know that you and your family are in our prayers. Our hearts and hugs go out to you during this difficult time. Going forward, please never forget that Stan is still very near (as close as your hearts), and personally, I like to believe he’s been assigned ‘THE DBA of the GREAT DATABASE of HEAVEN’! I actually can imagine him trying to solicit more ‘NAMEs’ to add to that database – he is perfect for the job!

To reminisce just a bit, I’ll never forget meeting both you and Stan at Longmont Foods some 20+ years ago. I was still trying to complete my college education and Longmont Foods had just purchased a ‘very, very’ early version (4.0?) of Oracle. I was introduced to a bunch of VAX/VMS Basic and C programmers, plus one very good Datatrieve report programmer. Since Oracle had just been purchased by Longmont Foods as our ‘new’ vision, we all had to learn it. I still remember the very first ‘Oracle Brought In House’ classes that we attended and all the comrodary that was built because of it. I can still see you and Stan sitting in the same cubical, creating ‘some program/report about turkeys’. He would ask, ‘Do you want to drive or should I?’ as you shared the keyboard. Even at that time, we all could see that you two fit together… Better said, I think you completed each other…

After Longmont Foods, I had the opportunity to work with Stan at Cellular, Inc. He had the vision to continue with Oracle and fortunately, he recruited me (saved me from tracking turkeys) from Longmont Foods. Looking back, those years and most importantly Stan’s vision helped define and ‘set in stone’ many, many Oracle careers – not just mine… Frankly, I don’t have enough fingers or toes to count the many others that benefited from this decision and his direction.

Stan was a great humanitarian! Personally, after I was diagnosed with cancer some 15 years ago (with 3 young children), it was Stan who reached out and gave me hope that everything would be alright. He helped me look past myself / problems and he was an example in showing me how to focus on helping others and moving on in life.

I don’t know if you remember, but at Longmont Foods, we had a ‘Standard’ in setting up usernames on VAX/VMS. The username was composed of the first 2 characters of the first name and the last 3 characters of the last name. This ‘Standard’ sometimes caused some pretty funny names to be created - such as our manager’s at the time, ‘MiDix’. However, Stan’s username was ‘StYel’ and looking back, it really fit! I’ll always remember Stan as having a lot of STYLE!

I truly believe we will see Stan again… In fact, he’s probably already got our names and reserved seating in that great conference room to come!

Also, please keep in touch! If there is anything we can do, please let us know.

Love You,
Jan & Family

Anonymous said...

When we first met in a computer class at Metro over 30 years ago I never would have dreamed how great an impact you would have on my life.
We shared many after class "study sessions" in that Larimer Square restaurant and developed a friendship that was never broken.

The memories of the times we spent together meant so much to me. The camping trip planning meetings, rain and more rain, the soggy pit chicken, bowling, camping, wolves, the bookcase, the VW rabbit with the "big ears", the balloons, the van, Sheba, Uncle Stan at Kmart...

You honored Anita and me by introducing us and being my best man at our wedding. You will always be my best friend.

Although our paths went different directions for a time I always knew that you would always be there if I needed you.

I am glad that we were brought back together in October and I had a chance to tell you how much you mean to me and my family. You had a profound influence on Anita and my kids. Thank you "Uncle Stan". The tears we shed together were for missed times and the happy memories.

Before I left for work on the morning of the 30th I was drawn to the picture of you giving us a toast at our wedding. With a smile I told you again thank you and may God be with you. Twenty minutes later I received the call that your battle was over. As I sat with you that morning I was saddened but I felt at peace knowing that although we may not be able to understand why things happen when and how they do, there is a reason and a purpose for everything.

Your big warm heart and friendly smile were contagious.
You are loved and respected by many and you touched the hearts of everyone you met.

You will be missed but will always remain in my heart.

I love you brother,

Anonymous said...

On Saturday many will gather in honor of our friend which speaks volumes in itself. Reading the comments tonight I see many of those from Cellular Inc. where we worked for Stan and would do anything he asked because he never ask anything of us that he would not do himself. This is were I first met Stan and I am a better person today for it. He stood up for us everyday and he was there to help anytime we needed him; you can't say that about many boses these days let alone an AVP.

We often joked about getting an 18 Wheeler with an RS-232 port and be an IT Department of wheels. I remember a certain bottle on the shielf during a team photo that also spoke to Stan's great humor.

Unknown said...

Dear Stan,
I write this early on the morning we're all coming together to say goodbye and remember you. It will be good, but it will be so hard. Even as I understand that you do live on, despite having had to leave us, I cry from missing you. And it will be harder still to see the faces of all the others who loved you and will be missing you too....
So many wonderful compliments have been posted here, and I echo them all. Reading them shows us how real you were: that we all knew the same Stan, though some knew more facets of you, because you were that very honest and real boss, co-worker, and friend.
I'll have to post again later, as it's time to go, and I found myself writing a book. I thank you here, as I'm so glad I did personally when I could, for the opportunity you gave me 17 years ago at Cellular. And though you were so beyond me in experience and knowledge and, yes, greatness, I thank you for the friendship and respect you gave us all.
Stan, if your future can be built on the love of those whose lives you touched, yours will be wonderful indeed. Darn it! I miss you so much. I wish you all the best.

Love, Ted Walford

Anonymous said...

I have read on here all of the special tributes to Stan. We come from another family of Stan's. The Balloon Family. It dates back to about 1993 and we met this big guy who gave a bear hug that compared to no others I had ever had. He and Dave, you and Carol took us into the Yellott Family. Not a day went by since we were in NM in October that we did not pray for you and Stan and the Family. Like we lost Jerry, things will just not be the same without Stan. We have wonderful memories of each and every year. But this year was the most special around the firepit. We all laughed and shed a few tears of those we missed. I will always remember the hugs as we left, both the night before and the morning we left. And Stan hugging Jim the night before, then realizing Jim was not leaving until Wed and Told Jim" Screw You, I can hug you tomorrow". I still laugh when I think of it. But those moments will be forever engraved in my heart. We miss him and we miss you. If Carol and Dave head this way this summer, please consider coming along. Of course you are always welcome in our home. You are family. Love and Bear Hugs, Connie and Jim

Anonymous said...

Stan was such a special guy. So many tributes to him. I write not from his professional side of life, but from the Balloon Family side of his life. My first trip to Albuquerque was in 1992, that year I met Dave and Carol and they have been very special "family" members since. I met you and Stan a few years later and added to my special "family" each and every year has special memories. Starting from launching, chasing, and the tailgating afterwards with those greasy old fries there were always lots of laughs. Stan was always there and I looked forward to seeing you both each year, he always has a positive attitude and even this year with his illness he made it a memorable time, the night by the fire with all the old stories will last in my mind for a lifetime. I am sure life will not be the same without him, but I will never forget the good times we had, he was a one of a kind. I've done a lot of praying since our trip, in hope of a special miracle for Stan, but I guess God wants some time with him now, but he'll be up there ballooning with us I am sure, guiding Dave and the rest of the pilots along. I'll long remember that last bear hug the morning we left for home, he was great with those big hugs. My home is alway open for you if you ever get to Michigan. I was so very fortunate to get to know Stan and be part of Stan's time here on earth he was a great man.

Unknown said...

Stan, you are in our thoughts as the holiday season is here and 2007 begins. It is truly a different world without you - you were a light that brought brightness to everyone you met.

The morning you passed I informed the Dallas Oracle User Group and their outpouring of emotion and fond memories spoke volumes of your character.

Peace to you, your family, and friends.


Anonymous said...

Stan and Denise,

I will really miss you. You brought goodness, joy and amazing accomplishment everywhere you went. Your wonderful welcoming made it seem possible for me to join the folks who worked with Oracle. I agree with the earlier comment- you are probably now the chief dba for a huge new database and at the same time organizing who know what group to work better while having more fun.

I wish I knew the right words to say. Thank you for sharing Stan with us over the years. I hope that sunshine will brighten your heart. Please remember that we are there to help.

Diane Ambrose

Anonymous said...

It makes me sad that such a fun loving guy like Stan is gone. Even though it has been sometime since I've seen Stan or gone to an RMOUG meeting. Stan and Beth Blockley bugged to be the Training Days Program Director saying (grin + wink)) "It's easy and you'll enjoy it!!" He was right too!

Stan had a gentle caring and strength that you don't see in very many techies.

Enjoy those gentle breezes and always sunny days!
Jeff Crew

Anonymous said...

I have admired Stan from the very first time I worked with him at StorageTek. Stan had a magical ability to make you feel good about yourself and life in general each and every time you spoke with him.

Later, I was fortunate to work with Denice at Exabyte as well.

I have valued this friendship over the years and am thankful that I was able to know Stan.

I am sure I am not the only person who views RMOUG Training Days as much as a 'class reunion' as it is a technical training conference. Stan was the key in making RMOUG Training Days seem like old home week for me - thanks for your friendship, Stan, you made the world a better place.

Scott Unrein

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe a year has passed...

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that in three months (or so) it will be two years since Stan left us. I thought at some point it would get easier. It never will. I can still hear Stans laugh and the wonderful way his eyes sparkled when he was happy. He made me a better person. I still miss him.

Anonymous said...

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Elizabeth said...

I cannot believe that this year will mark 7 years since Stan died. I remember sitting at the memorial service next to Denice like it was yesterday, barely able to breathe...went to RMOUG Training Days this year for the first time since right after Stan least I could breath. Saw Denise Gardner and I cried. Stan, you were such a wonderful man - you are still missed.